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Why Your Brow Hair Doesn't Seem to Grow Back

Eyebrows are one of the first things that a person sees when meeting face to face with another person. We all have them and we want them to look their best for a great first impression.

Unfortunately, some people have brows that are too sparse or too thin. One possible reason is over plucking. The thin brow trend can be dated back to the 1920’s and 1970’s but most recently, the good old 90’s. Sadly some people have continued to remove their brow hair to achieve the thin look even to this day. The constant over plucking combined with the common natural course of the aging process which causes hair to thin out, has caused brows to appear as though they will never grow back.

Another reason why someone may have brow hair that doesn’t grow back could be due to a medical condition called Alopecia Areata as well as chemotherapy and hyper or hypo-thyroid conditions.

Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disease which causes hair to fall out in all or some parts of the body. In some instances, the hair may grow back but later fall out again. Other cases, the hair might grow back for good. Although there is no cure for Alopecia Areata, check with your doctor to see if your condition can be treated with medication. Learn more about this condition HERE

Similarly, if you have undergone chemotherapy, it depends on how recent it’s been or also the type of drug used. Hair may grow back in stages spanning months or longer, or it may not grow back at all. Check with your oncologist to see what your individual result may be.

Hair loss due to thyroid disease is most often apparent when it’s been left untreated for a long period of time or if it’s a severe case. It is most often noticeable on the scalp but can occur on the brows as well. Check out this article to learn more.

With all of the above mentioned causes, patience is important and in the case of over plucking, It may be time to hide your tweezers and give your brow hairs a rest. But don’t despair, you can still have beautiful natural brows. Find out how by booking a complimentary TrueBrow™ Discovery Session to see how you, yes YOU can have beautiful brows to always give a great first impression.

Schedule your session HERE

*Disclosure: The information in this blog should not be taken as medical advice or diagnosis. Please check with your doctor if you believe you may have a medical condition that may be causing hair loss to be properly diagnosed and treated.